Allen Goodger’s Lot 60
(By Valley Flyer)
Courtesy – Australian Racing Pigeon Journal, November 1998.
Although not as romantically named as many of the European champions, Allen Goodger’s black pied hen known as LOT 60 has been just as effective in founding a dynasty of long distance champions in many lofts today.
As can be seen it wasn’t even Allen Goodger who gave this famous hen the name she is commonly known by today, as she is named after her lot number in Allen’s final clearance sale.
The black pied hen known as LOT 60 was rung SA 78 15393 and won 1st Carrieton from 285km. Her sire was SA 77 5622 being a half brother to Allen’s 1st SAHPA Cook winner (won by 2 1/4 hours with 286 lofts competing) who was by SAD 7016030 LOT 200 in Allen’s sale. The dam of 5622 was OSBN 70 1750 bred by H. Webber. The sire of 16030 is SAD 69 13279 who was also the sire of LOT 51 in Allen’s sale being none other than SA 76 9548 known as the $1900 cock – (a great stock cock whose line is keenly sought after by Goodger enthusiasts). He in turn was the sire of LOT 53, which you will see later when mated back to LOT 60 produced a dynasty of winners. The dam of 16030 was SA 64 16016 none other than the famous Elliott hen winner of I7th and 19th SAHPA Finke I l00 km.
The dam of LOT 60 was blue cheq hen SA 77 41299 1st SAHPA Nundroo b90km. This was a `smash’ race with Allen clocking approx. 5.45 am on the 2nd day. The sire of 41299 was SA 74 50643 who was from H. Webber’s Ace stock pair who has reportedly bred approx. 30 SAHPA placings. The dam of 41299 was SA 75 43596 winner of 7th SAHPA Nullabor 815 km being extremely well bred by W Verco, a brother to his 2nd SAHPA Nundroo. This Verco cock was one of what Allen considered his top stock cocks. The dam of 43 596 was a SAHPA Tarcoola winner and was a granddaughter of the Elliott hen. Therefore the Elliott hen is on both sides of the LOT 60 pedigree.
Pictured with LOT 60 is the blue chequer cock SA8I 428 known as LOT 53. He is a champion breeder of stock birds himself being the grand sire of:
1st Benalla SAHPA 720km
1st Alice Springs LDC 1320km
1st Temora SAHPA 825km
2nd Temora SAHPA 825km
3rd Temora SAHPA 825km
2nd Alice Springs LDC 1320km
3rd Alice Springs LDC 1320km
3rd Farina SHPA 540km etc. etc.
As stated previously his sire is the $1900 cock who was the sire of 4th Eucla SAHPA, 4th Young SAHPA, 9th Nullabor SAHPA as well as being the sire of top stock cocks. The dam of LOT 53 was the blue chequer SA78 1635, LOT 52 in Allen’s sale being also the dam of 2nd Booroorban SAHPA. When one considers that the SAHPA has 350 numbers you realise how outstanding these birds are.
As can be seen LOT 60’s pedigree contains many top long distance birds so let’s discuss some of the offspring that has made her so famous. Firstly when paired to LOT 53 she produced none other than John Pryor’s No I stock cock blue cheq SA 8211829 the sire of:
1st SAHPA Benalla
1st LDC Alice Springs
2nd.SAHPA Packenham
2nd LDC Alice Springs
3rd LDC Alice Springs
3rd. SAHPA Temora etc. etc.
John Pryor’s No 1 stock cock when mated to Grant Paterson’s Reference C BCPH SA 76 51397 bred blue bar cock SA 8624469 which has produced 13 SAHPA placed birds including v SAHPA Morunda 710 km.
A brother to 24469 is the No 1 stock cock for Con Mookas the sire of at least 5 SAHPA placings including IS` SAHPA Cobar 775km. In fact from the mating of John Pryor’s No I cock with Grant Paterson’s ref C Hen I can find at least seven brothers and sisters who have produced SAHPA placed birds.
Grant Paterson’s No I stock cock is also a result of pairing Lot 60 to Lot 53, this cock has produced 7 SAHPA placings including 1st SAHPA Temora 817km. Gred Hodgin’s stock hen who has produced 2nd LDC Alice Springs and 2nd SAHPA Morunda 710 km is a result of pairing LOT 60 with another famous Goodger stock cock i.e. the red cheq Lot 59.
Another famous stock cock for John Piyor is blue cheq pied cock SA 86 33566 producing 13 SAHPA placings including 2nd SAHPA Temora 817km. He is also out of Lot 60 when paired to Lot 164 in Allen’s sale.
Before you jump to the telephone to complain to the Editor that I have omitted other champions down from LOT 60, I am aware there are others but these are just examples that I know well.
What inspired Allen to stock this black pied hen after winning only a comparatively short association race we will never know, but Herman Becker that top Ballarat flyer, told me that when he visited Allen Goodger he could listen to him all day as he was so knowledgeable on stock and his theories on pigeons were so interesting to listen to. He must have had that unique stock sense that made him a master breeder, which in turn has allowed many of us to have success with the birds, bred down from his stock.
So as I commenced this article by saying in a country where we tend not to give our champions such illustrious names as in Europe, with the names of some of our famous breeders being such as the Skinny cock and the Two Pound Ten hen etc. etc. I think you will agree that although plainly named, LOT 60 can be held right up there with any of them on a world wide basis as being a champion stock hen and the matriarch of a family of long distance champions.
Many thanks to my good pal Cam Morels for his work in supplying much of the data for this article. also many thanks to Bill Verco for both sourcing and supplying the photograph.