Leading Australian pigeon flyers Jim Marafiote, Stephen Kearsey are two of the keynote speakers at the Central Cumberland Racing Pigeon Federation Seminar in Sydney from March the 28th to 30th.
Marafiote is South Australia’s greatest living flyer having won the South Australian Homing Pigeon Assocation Overall Aggregate Points a record 8 times since 1989 … including last year {2024 – with 286 points)
Stephen Kearsey has won 8 Federation races including the Produce, and the 500 and 600 in the Victorian Homing Association, and is also a much respected pigeon racing administrator with Hall of Fame honors and distinguished service as both VHA Secretary and Race Secretary
The Seminar will include visits to the lofts of Stephen Eggleton and and Pat Arcella on the opening day, a panel dicussion with the guest speakers on day 2, and another panel and auction of 80 selected birds on the final day