Popular North Suburban Club and SAHPA Stalwart Fred Dimella is a powerhouse of the South Australian Homing Pigeon Association

He ranks only behind Jim Marafiote in Overall Aggregate Points wins in the SAHPA (living flyers)
Fred was an outstanding sportman in his younger years and was introduced to pigeon racing by one of the Sports greatest living legends – the late Keith Wickham
He got key birds from Keith and the late Stan Ferguson and with support and tutoring from both men hasn’t looked back – becoming one of the most successful and admired men in the SAHPA
One bird in particular, a blue chequer pied grand-daughter of Stan Ferguson’s imported original Janssen Brothers Hen, has had a tremendous and lasting impact on his breeding and success
A builder by trade Dimella races out of of his highly successful loft in Adelaide’s North Eastern Suburbs.

Dimella score his fifth SAHPA victory when he quinellad the 2020 Lyndhurst Young Bird Derby
Fred narrowly missed the trifecta when a hen landed with the other two birds but flew off again.
Dimella’s Blue Bar Hen SA 19 1275 covered the 509 point 765 kilometres in 7 hours 29minutes and 4 seconds with the second bird clocking 22 seconds later The winner was off Dimella’s 2018 Temora winner , and the son of a Maree placed cockbird
Three of Dimella’s other impressive Association wins included an historic two firsts on the same day in 1998, with the Booroorban Open and the Booroorban Special, and then 1st Ouyen 2009
His pigeons bloodlines are DeWeerdt, Wickham, Pryor Goodger and Janssen, and herman Ceusters.
Dimella added quality birds from the Late John Pryor’s Auction, and Grant Paterson to his originals
Birds from the Saggers Brothers in Victoria also boosted his loft
In 1996 in partnership with two other flyers Fred purchased 12 Deweerdt pigeons from Andy Gregson of Lancashire in the UK
Gregson had a very good relationship with Emiel DeWeerdt and procured many birds from his champions